
Not only is exercise great at helping prevent cancer, but also plays a crucial role in improving the efficiency of traditional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy. In most instances, it costs nothing and yet it can even aid in killing cancer cells in patients with various types of cancer. Whether you are currently battling cancer or just striving to maintain good overall health, incorporating exercise into your routine can have significant benefits, such as reducing stress and promoting the release of endorphins, those feel-good hormones.

However, it’s important to strike a balance and avoid excessive exercise that may place unnecessary stress on your body and hinder your recovery. If you have cancer, aim to limit your exercise sessions to no more than 60 minutes per day.

Ease yourself into exercise:

Being diagnosed with cancer is life changing in every aspect, including the way we view and relate to our bodies. While it may seem counterintuitive to some, integrating exercise into your daily routine can be incredibly beneficial during this challenging time.

However, the key here is to start small, listen to your body, and gradually build up your routine over time.

Step 1: Seek Professional Guidance

Before embarking on any new exercise routine, it’s crucial to get some professional guidance whether it be from a physiotherapist or qualified personal trainer.

Step 2: Start Small

Begin with gentle activities that you enjoy. This could be a leisurely walk in the park, a few minutes of stretching, or some simple yoga poses. The aim is not to exhaust yourself but to introduce light movement into your day.

Step 3: Schedule Wisely

Timing your workouts can be especially important. You are likely to be feeling fatigued after treatments, however, exercising before or directly after a treatment can significantly increase its effectiveness. Again, it’s advisable to exercise supervised, especially early on.

Step 4: Gradually Increase Intensity

As your strength and stamina improve, you can slowly increase the duration and intensity of your activities. This could mean adding a few more minutes to your walks, incorporating light resistance training, or trying out a low-impact exercise class. Remember, the goal is gradual progression, not sudden increases of intensity.

Step 5: Listen to Your Body

It’s essential to tune into your body’s signals. Some days you might feel energetic and ready to move, while on others, you might need more rest. Both are okay. The most important thing is to respect your body’s needs and adjust your activities accordingly.

Step 6: Make it Enjoyable

Exercise should not be a chore. Whether it’s walking in nature, dancing to your favourite music, a round of golf, or practicing Tai Chi, find activities that you genuinely enjoy. This will help keep you motivated and turn exercise into a positive part of your routine.

Remember, everyone’s journey with cancer is unique, and it will be the same for their exercise routine. Patience and self-compassion is key as you navigate this new path. The focus should be on supporting your wellbeing, physically and emotionally, during your cancer treatment and beyond.

Incorporating regular exercise into your routine can contribute to better overall health, faster recovery, and an improved quality of life. Stay active, stay strong, and prioritise your wellbeing on your cancer journey.

Join the Movement

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