Join the Community

Welcome to Controlling the Odds, where community and support are fundamental to our mission. We’re excited to introduce two powerful features that will enhance your experience on our website and in your wellness journey: our dedicated Facebook Group and our Exclusive Social Community App.

Our Facebook Group is an inclusive space where you can connect with individuals who share similar journeys. It’s a welcoming environment for sharing stories, asking questions, and finding support from a broader community. Please note that the website and book was only launched in December 2023 and therefore the community is still in the early stages of growth. Please don’t be shy to get conversations started so that the community can organically grow and others can follow and learn from your experiences.

For those seeking a more intimate and secure space, we’ve created the Exclusive Social Community App. This personalised  Facebook – style experience  not  only 

seamlessly integrates with our content but also provides a more private and controlled environment. Additionally, this app allows us to run live events and has other features not available on Facebook. This social app is reserved exclusively for the Controlling the Odds community and offers a safe haven for open and supportive conversations.

Why you should join:

  • Support: Both platforms offer emotional strength and encouragement, however the Exclusive Social Community App provides a more private space for those who prefer a closer-knit community.
  • Sharing Experiences: Whether in the Facebook Group or the Exclusive Social Community App, you can engage in open and supportive conversations, sharing insight, seeking advice and learning from others experiences.
  • Exclusive Content: The Social Community App grants access to unique content, live events, and a direct connection with the founder, Matt Straight, all within a more secure environment.

So, let’s build this community together. Join the conversation in the Facebook Group, where inclusivity thrives, and for those looking for a more secure space, dive into the Exclusive Social Community App. Or ideally, both. At Controlling the Odds, we believe that every voice matters, and we’ve created spaces to cater to your individual needs.